ARIELLA PAPA: writer, mother, friend

Hello all and welcome to my site!

I am a writer based in Brooklyn New York and this is my very first blog posting. In my pre-blog life I have published 3 novels, that have been translated all over the world into many languages I can’t speak, and some of which I’ve never heard of. I also freelance in the TV biz. But enough about me. Lets talk about my new book.

It’s called Momfriends and it is now available for download from

What is a momfriend you ask? Well, if you’re a mom, they’re the friends you make at the playground, the school yard, and in the diaper aisle. They are women you see in your neighborhood with kids around the same age as yours or maybe they are in a group you are tentatively joining because you are new and confused about the whole mom thing. They are probably closer than some of your facebook friends and maybe they understand you on a different level than the person you call your best friend. Momfriends are women you may think you know, but don’t really or maybe they are women you want to know better. Momfriends give you advice, but only when you ask for it.

If you’re a dad, they’re the women that weren’t in your wife’s wedding party, but they’ve recently been added to her speed dial. They’re the women you met in the playground who seem to know your kid even though you can’t place where you’ve met them (you totally have met them by the way). They’re the women your wife was with when she came home a little later than expected, and a lot tipsier…and on a school night.

If you’re a kid, they’re the lady that happens to have extra snacks and juice boxes when you’re mom didn’t bring enough. They’re that other kid in the sandbox’s mom, please try to share and say please and thank you. They’re hosting that birthday party you’re looking forward to and are probably baking the cake that you might eat too much of.

The point is that they’re everywhere, they affect us all, and they’re not always with their kids so they’re not always easy to spot. If you want to get experience a momfriend you can either have a kid, or read my book. And if you already have a kid…you can read my book.

It’s the story about three very different people who meet through motherhood, but become friends through womanhood. Sound girlie? I guess. But its a story that I hope rings true for both women and men. It’s about who we become when faced with true responsibility, when selfishness is no longer an option and our identity begins a strange metamorphosis. In the end it’s a story about people and how they roll with lives no longer in their control. And whether they choose to swim against the current or with it, it’s about the realization that we all need someone to throw us a life preserver once in a while.

Thanks for coming by my blog. I hope this is a place you’ll come back to for some good fiction, cool news, interesting discoveries, general frivolities, and the occasional WTF. See you soon.

3 Responses to Hello all and welcome to my site!

  1. Karen says:

    Great Job Ariella! CONGRATS and can’t wait to read the new book!!!


  2. Debbie says:

    Thank you for letting me know this was available – as soon as I finish editing, I am treating myself to this read!


  3. Kristen says:

    I’m so excited that you have a new book out! Can’t wait to pick it up!


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